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Level Description

West Coast Swing - Level Description

If you are new to West Coast Swing or have not had a lot of experience yet, you are expected to start from the "Level 1 - Basics" course, followed by the "Level 2 - Basics Plus" course. You'll be introduced to the concepts of Connection, Footwork, Rotations and commonly danced patterns, so it can serve as a basis to the "Level 3 - Recreational Westie" group, where you will gain skills design to help you grow as a well rounded dancer.

However, if you don’t feel quite sure you are ready to move up, you can take this or that block again (maybe with different teachers).

Curious Westie a.k.a. Beginners ->  Level 1 + Level 2

Level 1 - Basics

This course is for absolute beginners. You will learn the basic rhythm, connections and 6-count patterns, to get you started and hit the dance floor, along with some variations to spark your creativity.

Level 2 - Basics Plus

In this course you’ll start to explore the 8-count patterns of West Coast Swing. From the basic Whip, to other variations that are danced all over the world, you’ll learn new concepts like setting and moving "the post", end expand on the basics that you learned in Level 1.

Recreational Westie ->  Level 3

This course runs in 6 cycles of 6 weeks and requires you to know the basic 6 and 8 count patterns and be able to show a minimum of understanding of the concepts in Level 1 and 2. Each cycle will focus on a new concept, providing a solid foundation for you to progress and grow as a Westie dancer.

Themes: Connection, Footwork, High Level Patterns, Styling, Rotations, Rock & Go

At this point you've already started to dance socially. Maybe a little shy and only with some people that you know, but during these 6 cycles, you'll gain more confidence while you begin to understand what makes this dance tick and how to use your body to lead and follow any partner.

Technical Westie ->  Level 4

This course runs in 6 cycles of 6 weeks and builds upon the content from Level 3. This group is for more ambitious improvers and regular social "dancegoers", to refine their technical skills and dance presentation, by learning more complex moves and concepts.

Themes: Connection, Footwork, High Level Patterns, Musicality, Spins and Turns, Leans Dips Drops & Ducks

To join this group, you need to get advice from your previous teachers or pass a little ‘audition’ dancing with a teacher. If your basics are not stable, even if you took intermediate courses before, please consider taking again some of the basics courses or the cycles that focus on your current needs. You are welcome to ask for advice and feedback from your teachers anytime.

Benefits and other FREE perks ;)

  • Regardless of what class or city you're following, we offer the possibility of recovering a missed class (or known to miss), by joining the equivalent class in the other city, through a FREE drop-In session.
  • Recreational Westies (Level 3) and Technical Westies (Level 4) that want to refresh their basics or help with the role balance, can join a lower level class for FREE, pending the group space allows it. Check with your teachers first.
  • A more relaxed time commitment of 6 weeks, instead of 12 weeks, when your schedule is tight.
  • You can take a break from dancing when needed, and come back to the Level you were dancing, when you stopped.
  • During the winter 2024 and summer 2025, we'll check which concepts are needed to advance most people, and we'll organize them accordingly, giving the extra help needed to join the Technical Westies group.